sabato 29 novembre 2008

Sca Shilova

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of
Sca Shilova
Saturday, November 29 - Monday, December 1. 2008
(01 PM SLT)
My RL disciplines have been very diverse, in particular 3D (digital and tactile), music & soundscapes, image (moving & still), animation & interactivity. A virtual world like SL brings all this together and more.
I see SL as a sophisticated communication tool - living software - interactive art.
In SL I can push the boundaries of artistic expression and perception - a natural breaking of codes and constructs, embracing the inherent absurdities and bugs.
Evolution on a daily basis. My aim is that the origin of my creativity be playful.

venerdì 28 novembre 2008

Harper Beresford

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Harper Beresford
Friday, November 28 - Sunday, November 30 - 2008
(01 PM SLT)
digital photography (SL photography)
with preference to architectural photographyor
Architectural Digest Edizione Italiana. "Abitare L'Altrove." Text by Mario Gerosa.
Photography by Jennifer Grace-Dawson/Harper Beresford. April, 2008.
Engineering and Science. California Institute of Technology. Volume LXXI, Number 2, 2008.
SLNN Next. Fall 2008.
5 x REAL - 55 x SL. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft undTechnologie (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology), Berlin, Germany. September 18, 2008.
5 x REAL - 55 x SL. TowerVisions Bethanienturm, Plush South, Second Life. October 3, 2008-January 5, 2009.
Rinascimento Virtuale Firenze. Museo Nazionale di Antropologia ed Etnolologia, Florence. October 21, 2008-January 7, 2009. In conjunction with the Festival della creatività.
DU Diederichs, Projektmanagement AG & Co. KG
2nd Reef.
arcspace Bamboo Competition.
TowerVisions Bethanienturm.
Dynafleur, Princeton Sim.

martedì 25 novembre 2008

Second Front

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Second Front (Man Michinaga and Fau Ferdinand)

"Large Hardon Collider" (

Wednesday, November 26.- 2008
23:00 pm CET - 14:00 pm SLT

Location: slurl (

Second Front is the pioneering performance art group in the online avatar-based VR world, Second Life. Founded in 2006, Second Front quickly grew to its current 8 member troupe that includes Jeremy Owen Turner (Vancouver), Doug Jarvis (Victoria), Tanya Skuce (Vancouver), Gazira Babeli (Italy), Penny Leong Browne (Vancouver), Patrick Lichty (Chicago), Liz Solo (St. Johns) and Scott Kildall (San Francisco). Taking their influences from numerous sources, including Dada, Fluxus, Futurist Syntesi, the Situationist International and contemporary performance artists like Laurie Anderson and Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Second Front creates theatres of the absurd that challenge notions of virtual embodiment, online performance and the formation of virtual narrative. Created in 2006, they have already performed extensively, including in Vancouver, Chicago, New York, and has been featured in publications including SLate, Eikon, Realtime Arts (Australia), The Avastar (published by Axel-Springer, Germany) and most recently in Exibart (Italy).

domenica 23 novembre 2008

Albertini e Moioli (MariTer e Giugiogia Auer)

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

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Albertini e Moioli (MariTer e Giugiogia Auer)
Monday, November 24 - Wednesday, November 26.- 2008
(01 PM SLT)
Albertini e Moioli (MariTer e Giugiogia Auer)
Stefania Albertini e Giampiero Moioli lavorano a sculture e progetti a quattro mani dal 1992. Hanno studiato Scultura all’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera a Milano. Giampiero Moioli è anche laureato in Architettura al Politecnico di Milano.
Sono entrambi docenti di Scultura all’ Accademia di Brera a Milano.
L’ interesse per la terza dimensione intesa in modo fisico e tangibile si è evoluto verso la progettualità e il rapporto della scultura con lo spazio architettonico e urbano per arrivare alla scultura interattiva virtuale.
Fra le recenti attività sono la personale nella sede del Castello Visconteo di Pavia, quella a Spaziotemporaneo a Milano, quella alla Baoqu Tang Modern Art Gallery, Hong Kong e la partecipazione al SIPA 2006 al Seoul Arts Center / Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul; la collocazione di tre monumentali sculture virtuali interattive nella Lifelog Island in Second Life e l’ intervento alla prima conferenza “La terza dimensione: arte contemporanea, mondi virtuali e social network” tenutasi alla Sala Conferenze dei Musei Civici di Pavia.
Bibliografia: Albertini e Moioli, Lugano, 1994; La macchina per fare le bolle, la circumfolgore e altri congegni, Milano, 2008.

mercoledì 19 novembre 2008

Ichtyo Broome / Haico Hax

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of
Ichtyo Broome / Haico Hax

Wednesday, 19 November - Friday, November 21. 2008
(01 PM SLT)

Il gemellaggio Ichtyo Broome e Haico Hax , un web Designer italiano ed un programmatore Olandese .
Il colony collapse disorder e l'ecosistema virtuale .
Un ecosistema reale che collassa ed un esempio di ecosistema .
Mi hanno chiesto : perchè parlare di api e sistemi virtuali ?
Quando mi chiedono il perchè di un qualcosa , spesso mi torna alla mente un bellissimo racconto di Gianni Rodari in cui un ragazzo "al contrario" non imparò mai a fare le domande giuste e era solito fare domende del tipo : perchè le calze hanno i piedi ? Ecco , tempo fa sentii chiedere ad un amico in un incontro : perchè hai smesso di fumare ? Fui molto colpito da questa domanda come se il bambino al contrario si fosse ripresentato uscendo dal libro del poeta .
Pensai ma come , la domanda giusta potrebbe essere semmai ad un fumatore : perchè continui a fumare ? Il prechè uno smetta sembrerebbe piu' logico , almeno così a spanne . Perchè parlare di api che si estinguono , dell'ecatombe , della strage che sta decimando pla metà delle api in tutto il mondo ? é una esigenza, un bisogno impellente, un'irrevocabile appuntamento con la coscienza di uomo e animale inserito in un ecosistema accorgermi che il "mio" ecosistema sta andando a rotoli . Ci sarebbe da chiedersi : perchè se ne parla così poco?
Quando conobbi haico e le sue fantastiche installazioni pensai che prima o poi avrei dovuto farlo conoscere a piu' persone , la dolcezza, la poesia presente nel suo "programmare" oggetti virtuali....è un messaggio denso di significato, pregno della sua attenzione per il mondo che ci circonda , rincuora, stimola, commuove .
Averlo "gemellato" come installazione virtuale di ecosistema e parlare Della crisi degli alveari è un "rafforzativo" , una musica nella scena clue di un film , un sottolineare, un grassetto , per cercare di strappare all'audience un emozione in piu', per spingere, stimolare, e come dovrebbe ogni piccola o grande opera d'arte (si come i libri), infine, rimandare alla vita .
(Ichtyo Broome)

Ichtyo Broome
Colony Collapse Disorder .
Sindrome dello svuotamento degli alveari (SSA, in inglese CCD, ovvero Colony Collapse Disorder) è un fenomeno ancora poco conosciuto per il quale le famiglie di api (Apis mellifera) periscono bruscamente. Il SSA/CCD è stato riscontrato per la prima volta nelle colonie di api del Nord America alla fine del 2006. [1]
Gli apicoltori europei osservarono un fenomeno simile in Belgio, Francia, Olanda, Grecia, Italia, Portogallo e Spagna [2].
Le prime segnalazioni arrivarono anche dalla Svizzera e dalla Germania anche se in misura minore [3]. Possibili casi di SSA/CCD sono stati riscontrati anche aTaiwan dall'aprile 2007[4].
La causa (o le cause) della sindrome non sono ancora ben comprese: alcune teorie parlano di stress dovuto ai cambiamenti ambientali[5], malnutrizione, vari patogeni(come ad esempio le Patologie delle api[6], compreso il Virus israeliano della paralisi acuta[7][8]), acariosi, pesticidi come ad esempio neonicotinoidi o imidacloprid, radiazioni da telefoni cellulari o altri dispositivi creati dall'uomo [9], e colture geneticamente modificate (vedi OGM e Piante transgeniche) per il controllo delle malattie come il mais transgenico[10].
Premessa [modifica]
Dal 1976 al 2006 si è verificata una drastica riduzione del numero delle api selvatiche negli Stati Uniti (ormai quasi estinte) [11] ed un significativo, sebbene graduale, declino nel numero delle famiglie allevate dagli apicoltori. Questo declino comprende il cumulo delle perdite dovute a tutti i fattori come l'urbanizzazione, l'uso dei pesticidi, l'Acariosi e la Varroa, il pensionamento degli apicoltori e la chiusura delle attività commerciali. Tuttavia alla fine del 2006, inizio del 2007, il tasso di riduzione è cresciuto raggiungendo proporzioni fino ad allora sconosciute ed il termine "Disturbo da Collasso dell'Alveare" è stato proposto per descrivere queste improvvise scomparse.[1]
Un recente studio delle Università di Plymouth e Stirling, in Inghilterra e di Poitiers in Francia, rintraccia nella diminuzione del polline una delle concause principali nella moria delle api: con meno nutrimento, viene meno l'apporto proteico delle api e di conseguenza si indebolisce il loro sistema immunitario. [12]

Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or Western honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of apiculture, the term Colony Collapse Disorder was first applied to a drastic rise in the number of disappearances of Western honey bee colonies in North America in late 2006.[1]
Honey bees entering a beehive.
European beekeepers observed similar phenomena in
Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, andSpain,[2] and initial reports have also come in from Switzerland and Germany, albeit to a lesser degree.[3] Possible cases of CCD have also been reported in Taiwan since April 2007.[4]
The cause or causes of the syndrome are not yet fully understood, although many authorities attribute the problem tobiotic factors such as: Varroa mites and insect diseases (i.e., pathogens[5] including Nosema apis and Israel acute paralysis virus[6][7]). Other proposed causes include environmental change-related stresses,[8] malnutrition andpesticides (e.g. neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid), and migratory beekeeping. More highly speculative possibilities have included both cell phone radiation and genetically modified (GM) crops with pest control characteristics,[9][10]though experts point out no evidence exists for either assertion.
Haico Hax
SAL - Second Artificial Life
-An environment for artificial life, where flora and fauna gets born, lives, dies, fights, kills, gets sick, makes love and reproduces.
(insert artistic and philosophical remarks about the nature and importance of this system here)
- Creatures crawl around the island, they cannot fly and cannot swim so they avoid water, when they fall in, they drown and die.- Creatures can be male or female- Creatures are born without gender and cannot reproduce and are white in color and start walking around immediately- After a while they mature and become male or female and get their color (blue and pink)- When female meets a male creature then they mate and the female becomes pregnant (when male and female are mature and the female is not pregnant yet)- After a while she delivers a random amount of babies and becomes able to get pregnant again- The number of babies depends on the number of creatures close to the female: the more crowded it is around her, the less babies she gets.- The male impregnates any mature, non-pregnant female he meets. - The creature turns to a dark color when getting old and dies after a while of old age - Creatures can catch a virus, turn green, get infertile and spread the virus by touch to any other creature. They live just as long as healthy ones, only will not reproduce (again)- Infected creatures die after a certain time after the infection, because previously they lived just as long as they would being healty, but the result was in every cycle, the whole population would die out, all creatures would be infected or leave so few that they wouldnt survive neither.- Old creatures get slower than young ones.- Male creatures fight eachother and when their ability to defend themselfs is high enough, they survive, otherwise they die.- Every creature has an aggression level and if it gets over 99% then the creature turns into a serial killer, it colors yellow, cannot reproduce, or get sick, but instead kills every creature it comes in contact with. It can only be killed by old age or by another serial killer. It actively chases other creatures around and kills them as it gets close enough.- When an apple is close to the creature, it will walk towards it and eat it, so then the apple is gone for the others.
- It grows using a recursive algorithm where every branch spawns a number of branches, depending on the location in the tree, that are progressively thinner and smaller and point in different directions, until the branch reaches the leafs. - When a leaf is grown, sometimes an apple drops to the ground, which the creatures eat.

domenica 16 novembre 2008

Lucian Iwish

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Lucian Iwish
Sunday, November 16. - Tuesday, November 18.- 2008
(01 PM SLT)

mercoledì 12 novembre 2008

Stephen Venkman

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Stephen Venkman
Wednesday, November 12. - Friday, November 14. 2008
(01 PM SLT)

Stephen Venkman was born March 29, 2006
I have been taking inworld pictures from the beginning of my second life, but didn't start showing them or working on them in photoshop until February of 2007.
I am the "inworld" manager of Avatrait Gallery, who brings your second life images to your real life door. Visit us at
I started taking pictures to keep a visual record of my second life, the creations that I would come across exploring the grid and the people who I met along the way. This developed into an invitation from the NPIRL (Not Possible In Real Life) group of some of the best content creators in Second Life.
I continue to be fascinated with the world itself and the people who reside here. My hope is that you can see past the pixels in my images and capture the emotion of the avatar or the depth of what went into the surrounding build within the picture. We are more then just pixels, we are real people who pour our souls into our works.

lunedì 10 novembre 2008

Sasun Steinbeck

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Sasun Steinbeck
Tuesday, November 11. - Thursday, November 13. 2008


Sasun Steinbeck is creator of a unique style of interactive art in Second Life, Morphing Sculpture. Using complex scripting techniques Sasun's sculptures are able to change shape, creating a dynamic sculpture that is always fascinating to watch. Rather than relying on a static set of shapes, Sasun's Morphing Sculpture can change into an infinite number of shapes that owners can enjoy for a lifetime.

Sasun is also the creator and maintainer of the biggest registry of art galleries in Second Life at,, fulfilling the need to help art lovers everywhere connect to the many excellent art galleries in Second Life. The list currently has over 550 confirmed galleries on it and is distributed via notecard and a custom designed Gallery Tour HUD at kiosks at all of the galleries on the list.

The Kiosk.Net networked kiosk system used to distribute the list was also created by Sasun Steinbeck and is widely used by many residents as well as Linden Labs to distribute information, magazines, and objects across Second Life to their customers.

venerdì 7 novembre 2008

Eifachfilm Vacirca

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of
Eifachfilm Vacirca
Saturday, November 08. - Monday, November 10. 2008
The recent Financial Global climate is affecting us all in some way. From mortgage prices to investments, businesses fail and people loose their homes, jobs and lives as a result. The severe lack of forsight by those in control this has led to the potential crash of neo-liberalism.We now see the wealth of the world in a different light. An uncertain future is all we have to look forward to.
Europe was caught out by the financial crisis and did not see recession looming, the head of the Eurogroup of nations conceded today, amid estimates that the EU has plunged into a downturn. OCt 08
'Recession awaits us, and we didn't think that recession lay in waiting,' euro zone chairman Jean-Claude Juncker told members of the European Parliament in Brussels. Oct 08
'We were badly mistaken with the different sequences of this crisis,' said Juncker, who is also the premier and finance minister of Luxembourg. Oct 08
The European Commission in early November 2008 warned that the worst financial crisis for generations has driven the EU economy into recession and that economic growth would come close to a standstill next year.
"Increasingly, the signs point to a deep and synchronised global recession that began last quarter and has gathered momentum," said Bruce Kasman, an economist at JPMorgan Chase in New York. November 08
The eurozone’s second-biggest economy will grow by just 0.2-0.5 percent next year instead of the 1 percent previously predicted, Economy and Finance Minister Christine Lagarde told the Senate.The minister said the growth forecast for next year 2009 was “the lowest ever by a government in France” but that it was realistic.
“The international economic outlook has deteriorated much more than was expected, which will impact growth in Switzerland over the next several quarters,” the Swiss National Bank said in a statement in October 08
The sharp falls came after the Dow Jones index slid 5.05 percent on Wall Street November 7th 08 as investors braced for a gloomy economic ride after the euphoria of Obama’s election victory faded.“Now that the event is over, investors are sobering up and looking at the economic gloom,” said Mizuho Investors Securities broker Masatoshi Sato.
Billionaire philanthropist George Soros conceded in OCtober 08 that US influence was waning: "It has already declined. For the past 25 years, we have been running a constant current account deficit. The Chinese and the oil-producing countries have been running a surplus. We have consumed more than we produced. While we have run up debt, they have acquired wealth with their savings. Increasingly, the Chinese will own a lot more of the world because they will be converting their dollar reserves and US government bonds into real assets."
Japan By James Kirkup and Julian Ryall in TokyoLast Updated: 4:00PM BST 16 Oct"To cope with the current crisis, further steps may be needed," Mr Aso told members of the Japanese parliament. "However, I still believe this package will be effective to a certain degree."Mr Aso's budget package will be mean direct financial support for farmers and fishermen paying higher fuel bills, and for Japanese consumers.The emergency budget is part of a wider 11.7-trillion-yen package announced in August.The Bank of Japan also made another 300 billion-yen of emergency loans to Japanese banks, hoping to unblock the Tokyo money markets. The central bank has been offering extra liquidity on an almost daily basis for a month.
euroAuthor: ČTK - The current situation on financial markets will affect the agenda of Czech EU presidency in the first half of 2009, deputy prime minister for EU affairs Alexandr Vondra said. The financial crisis has become a new priority of the European Union, Vondra said."When you are making preparations for a football match, you sometimes base your tactics more on offensive while another time you are more defensive. It is evident that in the economic situation in which Europe will be finding itself next year, emphasis will be rather placed on the protection and defence of what has already been attained," Vondra said.
Posted by Kevin Anderson Sunday October 12 2008 06.50 BST
Homelessness, the economic crisis and votingHomelessness is on the rise in the US, and the newly homeless could find their votes challenged.In Reno Nevada, joblessness has jumped 60% and a tent city of 170 people grew. Reno is trying to shut down the tent city and move people to newly opened shelters. CBS News has reported tent cities in Seattle, Portland, Fresno, Columbus, and Chattanooga. There are also reports of encampments in Seattle, San Diego, and Columbus, Ohio, Santa Barbara and Fresno California.The wave of foreclosures, which in some areas of the country disproportionately affect black voters, could also come into play. The Republican Party of Macomb County Michigan, one of three counties that make up Detroit, is planning to use list of foreclosed homes to challenge people who try to vote using those addresses.Republicans claim that they are trying to prevent voter fraud. Homeless and voting rights advocates are trying to make sure that people don't lose their homes and their right to vote.
USAAs veteran curator of that realm of American national power upon which all others ultimately depend, Greenspan has inspired remarkable deference. He long ago tamed the legislature, to the point that, instead of exercising oversight over his tenure, Congress has ritually idolized rather than interrogated him. Greenspan's aura has extended even to presidents of the United States. Bill Clinton went so far as to ask Greenspan in 2000 if he would like to be appointed to a fourth term as chairman, or whether he'd prefer to "go out now on top." The then 73-year-old replied: "Oh, no. This is the greatest job in the world. It's like eating peanuts. You keep doing it, keep doing it, and you never get tired."BY PETER HARTCHERAmerican Interests Winter Issue
“Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholders’ equity, myself included, are in a state of shocked disbelief,” he told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Mr. Greenspan conceded: “Yes, I’ve found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I’ve been very distressed by that fact.”
Mr. Greenspan said that he had publicly warned about the “underpricing of risk” in 2005 but that he had never expected the crisis that began to sweep the entire financial system in 2007.
“This crisis,” he told lawmakers, “has turned out to be much broader than anything I could have imagined. It has morphed from one gripped by liquidity restraints to one in which fears of insolvency are now paramount.”NEW YORK TIMES (US)
Greenspan’s sins return to haunt usBy David BlakePublished: September 18 2008 18:39 Last updated: September 18 2008 18:39
Back in 2002, when his reputation as “The Man Who Saved the World” was at its peak, Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, came to Britain to pick up his knighthood. His biggest fan, Gordon Brown, now the UK prime minister, had ensured that the citation said it was being awarded for promoting “economic stability”.Even as things went completely wild, Mr Greenspan dismissed those who warned that a new bubble was emerging. It was just a case of a little “froth” in a few areas. Later, after waiting until 2007, two years after he left office, he conceded that “froth” had been his euphemism for “bubble”. “All the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble,” he told the Financial Times......Mr Greenspan realises that something big has happened and describes it as a “once in a hundred years” event. But then, you do not get Alan Greenspans coming along every day.Finincial Times (UK) Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
Neoliberalism, White (Male) Privilege & the Current Financial Crisisby Jessie on Sep 30, 2008 at 11:29 am Make no mistake, all the available evidence suggests that the American political economy is headed for a major crash. Some are even speculating that this is the end of American economic dominance in the world’s financial market. But don’t be deceived by the blame-the-victim rationalizing that’s being floated now. Let’s be clear about what policies and which people are behind the current financial crisis: neoliberal policies and the overwhelmingly majority of economically privileged white men (photo from same link) who created, implemented and benefited from those policies.Neoliberalism refers to a set of policies that encourage “less government” and unfettered (and unregulated) capitalism. The key elements of neoliberalism include: 1) the rule of the market, 2) reducing government expenditures on social services, 3) deregulation, 4) privatization, and 5) gutting the notion of “the public good.” The end result of neoliberal policies is that while a handful of people get very, very rich, these policies simultaneously exacerbate the suffering of just about everyone else and increase domestic and international instability. So, what we’re seeing now is just the logical, perhaps inevitable, result of these policies
Ah a BIO .. thats hell for me , lol, but it has to be I know, I have seen so much but cant say everythingWell you know, I studied Ecology, then I copied VHS cassettes, broke up with the study, yes mud ..a lot of mud.. We were the biggest in Switzerland. I was the man in the Studio, the Epic Centre, knew everybody also in cut, TV journalist, anchor man, wrote for the news, scanned Reuters, AP, then made pay per view assignments, Hollywood, Film Marketing, Theatre and Theatre video master. We were 3 times awarded for Theatre of the Year, yes because of the video’s and then Streaming Red Bull TV, UNO, docters, I really saw a lot and then SAP events, build a elite Club, got a burn out.. and now SL performance Art
I know hahaha, Don’t want to anymore, video is hell, all those wanting to make a carrier and grow into it come to me, whining, then they are all alone. I saw people.. unbelievable: Weapon merchants, porn producers, politicians, always being the one trustable to make their trash worthy. They adopt you because they know the moving image is of great power and I am the master there, not really belonging and hidden in the society so they even have more trust because I am like invisible and must be like not existing. I trust no one anymore I am d-oo-b-cc. Creative commons is my answer. When they don’t have a copyright they are screwed.

mercoledì 5 novembre 2008

Chi5 Shenzhou

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Chi5 Shenzhou
Giovedì 06 Novembre/ Thursday November 06 - Sabato 08 Novembre/Saturday November 08

Show Opening: Giovedì 06 Novembre alle ore 10 PM It/ Thursday November 06 at H 1 PM SLT

Art work
"Pixellust (Chi5)." It is a three-dimensional "self"-portrait, rendered as a pixelated icon. Emulating the early days of digital art, each .5^3 meter prim is the equivalent of a pixel of color within an eight color palette, which is inspired by the standard 16 colors found on a VGA computer display. Attached is a zipfile containing screencaps of the work.
I'm a musician, and sometimes digital artist based in Brooklyn, New York. I am best known in Second Life for my contributions to group exhibitions in Odyssey, numerous architecture commissions--including the construction and design of the dual performance halls for the Das Klenes Field Recordings Festival in Berlin--and for my prominent role of "The Devil" in Gazira Babeli's machinima film, "Gaz of the Desert."

lunedì 3 novembre 2008

Frieda Korda

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of
Frieda Korda
martedi/tuesday 04. novembre/november - giovedi/thursday 06. novembre/november. 2008

ARENA slurl (

I started taking photos from the first day in SL.
I use myself as an object, since I'm an artmodel in RL this is more or less an extension of that.
I'm particularly interested in movement, expression and storytelling ...
I only use photoshop to make the composition, I don't add effects, neither use any filters to create my works.