martedì 24 febbraio 2009

Kimberly Mirabeau

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Kimberly Mirabeau

Tuesday, February 24 - Thursday, February 26, 2009
(10 PM CET - 1 PM SLT)

giovedì 19 febbraio 2009

Nicolas Sack

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of
Nicolas Sack
Friday February 20 - Sunday, February 22, 2009
(10 PM CET - 1 PM SLT)

Nicolas Sack nasce in Second Life il 4 aprile 2007. Ben presto si dedica al disegno di moda ed al building, senza peraltro ancora intuire le potenzialità creative insite nel Metaverso.
Dopo una pausa di inattività e di lontananza da SL, rientra e comincia la collaborazione col Museo del Metaverso, che prosegue fino ad oggi. Durante questo periodo, aiutato e sollecitato dalla viva ed interessante attività del MdM e dei suoi collaboratori, subisce il fascino delle textures e dei suoi colori, cimentandosi nella creazione di opere che riscuotono un valido consenso già dal primo momento.
Tutta la sua opera è influenzata dal colore e dal suo movimento, integrati in strutture semplici e geometriche, che ne esaltano con variazioni cromatiche semplici, l'effetto suggestivo.
Cubi, griglie e coni, se da un lato sembrano suggerire un riferimento alle luci vivide e multicolori della metropoli con le sue insegne, dall'altro si mescolano e si intrecciano in un arcobaleno presente già in natura.
Nicolas Sack attualmente frequenta ed è tester anche nella OpenSim italiana di Cyberlandia, dove questa stessa esposizione è presentata in contemporanea con Second Life.
Per accedere a Cyberlandia, bisogna registrare un avatar, alla pagina quindi teleportarsi all isola "Cyberlandia".
Oppure da qualunque grid opensim abilitata all hypergrid utilizzare la slurl: secondlife://
Cyberlandia è una grid italiana basata sul simulatore Opensim. dove chiunque puo creare gratuitamente un avatar o inserire una propriaisola estendendo in maniera collaborativa il mondo virtuale.

lunedì 16 febbraio 2009

Nathalie Fougeras aka ida Aabye

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Nathalie Fougeras aka ida Aabye

DOUBLE_SKIN versus "choreography for one hand"

Monday, February 16 - Wednesday, February 18, 2009
(09 PM CET - 12 PM SLT)
2 live performances sessions each day at 09 and 10 PM CET - 12AM SLT and 01 AM SLTlimited at 5 persons in each session
DOUBLE_SKIN versus "choreography for one hand"
Double_skin project was in the Residency program at the bains connective::art laboratory, Brussels, 01& 02 2008 , supported by the Communauté française de Belgique, Arts numériques , partner in SL: Diabolus Carp

Nathalie Fougeras studied the contemporary art and she obtained a post-diploma ARI (interactive research) at the School of Art E.N.S.A.D. in Paris.She began to explore new media with interactive cinema, exhibited her works in several festivals like Jouable Geneve-Kyoto-Paris. From 2007 she performs in two online remote groups where she explores the performing art and the mixed reality.Also she curated ‘Stream On You’ at the Centre for the Digital Cultures and Technology in iMAL Bruxelles. She is co-producer of the Upgrade! Ostersund-Stockholm.Her last project ‘double_skin’ explores the identity, the bodies, the spaces and the avatar.

venerdì 13 febbraio 2009

Evo Szuyuan

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Evo Szuyuan

Friday, February 13 - Sunday , February 15, 2009
(09 PM CET - 12 AM SLT)


Evo Szuyuan is a new media artist, programmer, curator and machinimatographer.With a main interest for Virtual Reality and Immersive and NetworkedEnvironments she contributed to numerous international collaborativeArt and Research projects that have been awarded and presented atfestivals, galleries and musea all over the world, including ArsElectronica, DEAF and the Swiss National Museum.In 2006 she started exploring the potential of the Second Lifeplatform as the avatar Evo Szuyuan.There she got involved in creating movies with and for music groups,performance and installation artists. These movies have been screenedat, among other places, the Rome Filmfest and at the EuropeanMachinima Festival, where they received nominations in 3 awardcategories. She is currently finishing the machinimatography for thefeature lengh movie "Fly me/Volavola", which is shot entirely inSecond Life.

sabato 7 febbraio 2009

Mosmax Hax

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale
Vi invitano alla performance di /Invite you at the performance of

Mosmax Hax

Saturday, February 7 . - Monday, February 9 . 2009
(12 PM SLT)
„Opera Automatica“ der nTrivialmaschinen
Sapiosexual Ferraris, Hardwarehacker Hoch, Cosima Snook, Cinzia Zanzibar, Schwanzlurch Salamander, Falsche Hoffnung, Hirnhaut Suppenkraut, Erdbeermund Schnute, Inworld Zapatero, Inworld Placebo, Hegemon Maximus. Adolf Svoboda.
Act always so as to increase the number of choices. The world, as we perceive it, is our own invention.(Heinz von Foerster)

You will get a Landmark of the Play by the SL-groups Synthetic Event / Not Possible IRL, ARENA uqbar. media art culture, Odyssey Art and Performance.

Max Moswitzer lives and works in Vienna and Zurich. Moswitzer's output is in Fine Art and the construction of playful situations, for which he has used dérive and détournement as a methodology for the transformation and reverse engineering of networked computer games and art systems. He has been his own server provider since 1996, via where you can see several projects and collaborations. In the last years he is teaching Game Desing and Second Life.

mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009

Bingo Onomatopoeia

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Bingo Onomatopoeia aka Andreas Mueller

Wednesday, February 04 - Friday, February 06, 2009
(11 PM CET - 02 PM SLT)

ARENA EX.IT slurl: (

Andreas Mueller / Bingo Onomatopoeia, Regensburg, Germany

Andreas Mueller, member of the media-art group Pomodoro Bolzano, started exploring the sonic universe with a tape recorder as early as during elemantary-school, when he tried out things from a book on tape-experiments from the school's library. During his teenage years in the eighties, while playing in noisy bands, he started publishing experimental tracks through the international tape-trader scene. Despite some detours into other fields of performing arts (mainly painting) his main focus has stayed on audio-art. His latest works were contributions for Das kleine Fieldrecording Festival in Regensburg and Berlin, Ljudrum in Eskilstuuna/Sweden and several Placards, mainly under the name Transponderfish. With his avatar Bingo Onomatopoeia he researches the creative potential of the virtual reality in Second Life: by networking, collaborating with other artists, building instruments for the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse and by performing with these.